The whole affair was straight forward, but I found it slightly difficult to drill the bend release holes. Getting a good angle to cut the L angle was also a little tricky.
Only the right side was fabricated so I could avoid any problems of mirrored parts getting mixed up.
Someone asked me if I worked on the project every night... and recently I have been. But there was a while when work prevented such progress. Even if I don't actually drill, cut, deburr or corrosion protect something, working at least every other night keeps the project in your mind and avoids having to REALLY spend some time reorienting yourself.
Project Status:
Wings: 14h ( 1h, 1h, 0.5h, 2.5h, 4h, 1h, 1.5h, 1h, 1.5 )
Flaperons: ( DONE! ) 23.5 hours spent ( 3h, 1h, 1h, 1h, 1.5h, 3h, 6h, 3h, 4h, 1h )
Paint Design: 2 hours spent ( 1h, 1h )
Elevator DONE!: ~31.5 hours spent ( 3h, 1.5h, 3h, .5h, 3.5h, 2h, 4h, 1.5h, 2h, 4.5h, 1h, 6h )
Horizontal Stabilizer DONE!: ~28 hours spent, 3 pieces replaced ( 3h, 2h, 2h, 2h, .5h, 1.5h, 3.5h, 1.5h, 5, 4.5, 2h, .5h )
Rudder DONE!, minus horn : ~16 hours spent, ( ~8h, ~8h )
Total Done: ~115.5 hours
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