The engine is almost ready to go. Below is the "punch list" that I could come up with. More is likely to be added
- Install battery
- RTV the FWF firesleeving
- Replace pads on main gear leaf
- Replace main gear leaf with Grove replacement
- Run brake lines
- Elevator cables
- Hang flaperons, connect to push rods
- Wire amp shunt
- CHT calibration, install
- Upholstery for interior
- Install elevator trim motor
- Replace temp tie down stations with adele clamps in aft fuselage
- Replace aileron bellcranks
- Clean off sharpie markings
- Finish re-run of strobe, nav wires & map lights
- Run fuel lines from wings to gascolator
- Install jury struts
- Prime V-Frame
- Cargo net
- EAB plaque
- Steering rod boots
- Install fuel filter
- Fix bad fiberglass trim on passenger door.
- Run AOA line
- Install static port
- Install Pitot/AOA tube
- Replace bad rivets